Economics serving society

Workshop "Forest-Water-Energy" | July 6-7

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The Paris School of Economics has the pleasure to invite you to the "Forest-Water-Energy" workshop co-organized by the Opening Economics Chair.

With global warming and the need to transition to net zero carbon emissions, renewable sources of energy receive more and more attention. Forests and water have long been at the heart of the energy provision in human societies and it is still the case in many contexts. Hydropower or fuelwood remain core sources of energy at the household level and for some economic activities, especially in rural areas of developing countries. But forests and water also indirectly provide energy to human beings through their interaction with food production: water is a key input in agriculture while forests are more than the residual use of agricultural land. They play a role to feed livestock, provide edible plants and fruits.

The "Forest, Water and Energy" workshop intends to create synergies between researchers from social science and natural science around three research objects that are connected in practice but seldom in scientific studies.

Dates: July 6-7, 2023
Venue: Paris School of Economics
48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, room R2-21 (2nd floor)


July 6

8:15 - 8:45 : Registration

8:45 - 9:00: Introductory words by Jean-Marc Tallon

9:00 - 11:00 - Chair: Jérémie Gignoux (INRAE & PSE)

  • Daniela Miteva (Ohio State University)
    "Impact of land tenure on forest loss in Indonesia’s working forest lands"
    Discussant : Joaquin Morales Belpaire (Universidad Privada de Bolivia)
  • Ricardo Dahis (PUC-Rio)
    "From Deforestation to Reforestation: The Role of General Deterrence in Changing Farmer’s Behavior"
    Discussant: Oliver Vanden Eynde (PSE & CNRS)
  • Gunnar Kohlin (University of Gotenburg)
    "Triggering cooperation"
    Discussant: Suanna Oh (PSE)

11:00 - 11:30 : Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00 - Chair: Yangsiyu Lu (PSE)

  • Imelda (Geneva Graduate Institude)
    "Price Salience in Electricity Demand: Evidence from Prepayment System in Indonesia"
    Discussant : Toshi Arimura (Waseda University)
  • Eggtimer session: Marion Richard (PSE & UCLouvain) - "Post-colonial migration and diffusion of irrigation practices in Burkina Faso"
  • Eggtimer session: Balasai Vankuri (PSE) - "Effect of Weather Shocks on Cooperation in Agrarian Communities: Evidence from India"
  • Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zurich)
    "The role of finance for energy & development: The case of electrification in sub-Saharan Africa"
    Discussant : Sébastien Desbureaux (INRAE & CEE-M)

13:00 -14:00 : Lunch

14:00 -16:00 - Chair: Katheline Schubert (PSE & University Paris 1)

  • Declan Conway (LSE)
    "Water-energy-food nexus in a changing climate"
    Discussant : Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke University)
  • Fanny Brun (IGE, University Grenoble-Alpes)
    "Glacier and snow contribution to streamflow in Asia: where are we now?"
    Discussant: Joëlle Smadja (CNRS-CEH)
  • Olivia Aubriot (CNRS-CEH) and Romain Valadaud (CNRS-CEH-IRD)
    "Forest User Groups and Water User Associations: the politics of participatory management of natural resources in Nepal"
    Discussant: Jampel Dell’Angelo (VU Amsterdam)

16:00 - 16:30 : Coffee Break

16:30 -18:00 - Chair :Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke University)

  • Mani Nepal (ICIMOD)
    "Urban water logging and solid waste management: preference, cobenefits, and sustainable financing "
    Discussant : Claire Lepault (PSE)
  • Eggtimer session : Lucile Dehouck (PSE) - "Water insecurity and migration"
  • Eggtimer session : Claire Lepault (PSE) - "Is urban wastewater treatment effective in India ?"
  • Jampel Dell’Angelo (VU Amsterdam)
    "Will war in Ukraine escalate the global land rush?"
    Discussant: Declan Conway (LSE)

July 7

8:30 - 9:00 : Welcome

9:00 - 11:00 - Chair: Sylvie Lambert (PSE & INRAE)

  • Sébastien Desbureaux (INRAE & CEE-M)
    "Electric Cooking and Sustainable Development: Experimental Evidence from Eastern "
    Discussant : Kenneth Houngbedji (IRD & LEDA)
  • Oliver Vanden Eynde (PSE & CNRS)
    "Complementarieties in infrastructure: Evidence from Indian Agriculture"
    Discussant : Sheetal Sekhri (University of Virginia)
  • Subhrendu Pattanayak (Duke University)
    Discussant: Imelda (Geneva Graduate Institude)

11:00 - 11:30 : Coffee Break

11:30 -13:00 - Chair: Gunnar Kohlin

  • Anouch Missirian (TSE & INRAE)
    "Payment for ecosystem services and the preservation of forest cover in Ecuador"
    Discussant : Daniela Miteva (OSU)
  • Nicolas Delbart (Université Pais-Cité & LIED, Paris)
    "Community forestry y in Nepal: insights based on remote sensing"
    Discussant : Fanny Brun (IGE, University Grenoble-Alpes)

13:00 -14:00 : Lunch

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The Opening Economics Chair allows economists to respond in creative and effective ways to the major questions of our times, by integrating two observations: that current challenges, complex and multifaceted as they are, demand an approach that transcends disciplinary boundaries, and that economics research must be renewed by advances made in other related disciplines.