Economics serving society

PSE Global issues Conference "Re/De/Globalization" | 22 May detailed program

Day 1: Monday 22 May 2023

8:30am - Welcome coffee

9:00am-12:30am - Session A: Globalization, innovation and preferences

9:00am-10:30am - Session A-1 : Globalization and innovation

10:30am-11:00am - Coffee break

11:00am-12:30am - Session A-2: Globalization and preferences

  • President: Giuseppe Berlingieri (ESSEC)
  • Carole Dalin (UCL and ENS-Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique), "Environmental Sustainability of Global Food Production and Trade"
    Discussant: Christophe Gouël (INRAE and Paris Saclay Applied Economics)
  • Marion Dumas (London School of Economics), "Global Coordination Challenges in the Transition to Clean Technology: Lessons from the Automotive Industry", with Eugenie Dugoua
    Discutant Lucas Chancel (Sciences Po and World Inequality Lab)

12:30am-2:00pm - Lunch

2:00pm-5:30pm - Session B: International taxation

2:00pm-3:30pm - Session B-1: Tax shifting

3:30pm-4:00pm - Coffee break

4:00pm-5:30pm - Session B-2: Tax avoidance

Evening - Dinner at Tour Montparnasse

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Day 2: Tuesday 23 May 2023

Day 3: Wednesday 24 May 2023