Economics serving society

(November 5-7) Follow the JECO 2019 conferences on live

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Many teachers and researchers of PSE will be present at the presentations and workshops of JECO 2019 which will take place on November, 5th to 7th, 2019 at Lyon.

Here is the program of the conferences in which the teacher-researchers of PSE participate:

Tuesday November 5:


  • Katheline Schubert, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "La transition c’est maintenant".


  • Éric Maurin, full professor at PSE and director of studies at EHESS, will participate in the conference entitled "Comment le numérique bouscule l’emploi ?".


  • Agnès Bénassy Quéré, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will chair the conference entitled "Comprendre les populismes".
    François Bourguignon, emeritus professor at PSE, will also participate in this conference.
  • Katheline Schubert, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "Les jeunes se mobilisent pour le climat".

Wednesday November 6:


  • Agnès Bénassy Quéré, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, professor at PSE and associate professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "La confiance perdue dans les expert-e-s".
  • François Bourguignon, emeritus professor at PSE, will participate in the conference entitled "Quels moteurs pour la croissance africaine ?".


  • Roger Guesnerie, honorary president of the PSE and emeritus professor at PSE and Collège de France, and Philippe Aghion, affiliate professor at PSE and professor at Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Les nouveaux fronts de la recherche économique".
  • Jonathan Goupille-Lebret, chargé de mission - WID - at PSE, will participate in the conference entitled "Niveaux de vie et inégalités : mesure et perceptions".


  • François Bourguignon, emeritus professor at PSE, will participate in the conference entitled "Comment la mondialisation déplace les inégalités ?".


  • Agnès Bénassy Quéré, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the workshop entitled "Workshop sur l’enseignement de l’économie en licence".
  • Thomas Breda, professor at PSE and full-time junior researcher at CNRS, will participate in the conference entitled "Emploi, formation, chômage structurel : efficacité des réformes".
  • Gabrielle Fack, affiliate professor at PSE and professor at University Paris Dauphine, will participate in the conference entitled "Les dysfonctionnements du marché du logement".


  • Philippe Aghion, affiliate professor at PSE and professor at Collège de France, will participate in the conference entitled "Le grand procès du libéralisme".

Thursday November 7:


  • Jean-Olivier Hairault, director of PSE, full professor at PSE and professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "Vers des politiques budgétaires sans contrainte".


  • Antoine Bozio, director of IPP, professor at PSE and associate professor at EHESS, will participate in the conference entitled "Retraites : la dernière réforme ?".


  • Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, professor at PSE and associate professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, will participate in the conference entitled "A-t-on vraiment progressé sur la régulation financière ?".

Follow the JECO 2019 conferences on live:

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