Economics serving society

Evaluation of the occupational equality index

At a press conference held at the CFDT, the IPP released on March 6, 2023 its assessment of the Index, 3 years after its entry into force in companies.


In September 2018, the French government took a series of measures to reduce these inequalities, including the implementation of the occupational equality index.

Since 2019, all private companies with more than 50 employees must calculate this indicator and obtain a minimum value on this index, failing which they are subject to sanctions.

This index introduces for the first time in policies to combat gender inequalities an obligation of result for companies and not only an obligation of means. It summarises several indicators, each of which covers an important aspect of gender inequalities in employment and calculated on the basis of the occupational situation of women and men employed in enterprises.


This project aims to assess the impact of the Index on the inequalities between women and men in business. By comparing company-reported data with “real” data calculated from detailed administrative data on wages and hours worked by all private sector employees, it is possible to measure the impact of the Index on gender inequalities in business.

The first results of this project were presented at a press conference on 6 March 2023.

The full report will be published shortly.

Click here to subscribe to the publications of the Work and Employment Cluster and receive the report when it is published.


CFDT, IRES. This study received financial support from the IRES (Institute for Economic and Social Research) and was carried out as part of the Objectives Agency.

Data and Methodology:

  • administrative data from the All Employees Database including compensation received and hours worked each year by all employees
  • administrative data from the "Indexegapro" database, which contains the reported values (overall rating and components) by companies since 2018, as part of the reporting and publication obligation

The combination of these two data sources makes it possible to examine in detail the proportions of enterprises and employees actually concerned by the introduction of the Index of Occupational Equality.

It then makes it possible to compare the extent of inequality between women and men in enterprises which report an Index and those which do not or declare that it cannot be calculated. Finally, it makes it possible to compare the ratings reported by companies to the Index with “real” inequalities as measured from comprehensive social security data traditionally used by government statistics to capture gender pay gaps.

Research Team:

Thomas Breda : associate professor at Paris School of Economics and research fellow at the CNRS , responsible for the work and employment division at the IPP
Paul Dutronc-Postel : senior economist at the IPP
Marion Leturcq : research fellow at the INED (institute for demographic studies), research fellow at the IPP
Joyce Sultan Parraud : senior economist at the IPP
Maxime Tô : senior economist at the IPP with the valuable assistance of Juliette Ducoulombier during his time at the IPP