Economics serving society

(ETA) Official presentation of the anti-corruption master class in Tunis

On the 21st of May 2015, in Tunis, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky (PSE-ETA) has officially launched the anti-corruption master class. This programme is supported by the World Bank and co-organized with Tunis-Carthage University. The ETA Master class is dedicated to master students, teachers in graduate studies but also to managers in private and public sector. This class will be held in November 2015, during 5 days; it is partially based on courses from PPD programme (by PSE), and experts from J-PAL (MIT-PSE) as well as specialist of corruption history will intervene.
The master class, with an high academic standard, will gather many specialties and precedes a specialized master programme "Master de Gouvernance et de Lutte contre la Corruption" currently developed, co-produced with Tunis-Carthage University and officially supported by the Minister of Justice.

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De gauche à droite: A. Lambert-Mogiliansky (PSE-ETA), Lassaad El Asmi (Doyen de la faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et sociales, université de Tunis Carthage), Neila Chabaane (professeur de Droit, ancienne membre de la première commission anti-corruption après la révolution de 2011, ex-ministre du droit des femmes), Samir Annabi (président de L’Instance Nationale de la Lutte Contre la Corruption), Chaker Mzoughi (professeur en Droit, Tunis Carthage)

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Public présent lors de cette conférence

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De droite à gauche : Juge Fayal Ajina (chargé de Mission au cabinet du ministre), Mr le Ministre de la Justice Mohamed Salah Ben Aissa, Chaker Mzoughi, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky, Neila Chabaane et un membre du ministère.