Economics serving society

Conference | Educational choices and transitions in secondary and higher education | October 12-13

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The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the "Educational choices and transitions in secondary and higher education" conference organized by the Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair.

  • Dates: October 12-13, 2023
  • Venue: Paris School of Economics
    48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris
    Room R2-21 and auditorium


Day 1: Thursday, October 12

08:30-09:00 - Registration and coffee

09:00-10:30 - Session 1: Parental preferences

  • Christopher Campos (University of Chicago Booth School of Business), “Social Interactions and Preferences for Schools: Experimental Evidence from Los Angeles”
  • Bas Van der Klaauw (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), “The (Un)importance of School Assignment” (joint with Nadine Ketel, Hessel Oosterbeek and Sándor Sóvágó)

10:30-10:45 - Coffee break

10:45-12:15 - Session 2: Subjective beliefs

  • Marco Pariguana (University of Edinburgh), “Perceived Ability and School Choices: Experimental Evidence and Scale-up Effects” (joint with Matteo Bobba and Veronica Frisancho)
  • Carolina Lopez (World Bank), “Tripping at the Finish Line: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Misperceptions on Secondary School Completion”

12:15-13:30 - Lunch

13:30-14:30 - Keynote lecture: Camille Terrier (Queen Mary Univ), “Confidence and College Applications: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention”

14:30-16:00 - Session 3: Social spillovers

  • Andrés Barrios-Fernández (Universidad de Los Andes), “Closing Gaps in Higher Education Trajectories: The Effect of Targeted Information and Mentorship” (joint with Josefina Eluchans-Errázuriz and Fernanda Ramirez-Espinoza)
  • Gustave Kenedi (CEP, London School of Economics), “High School Cohort Spillovers on Higher Education Choices” (joint with Nagui Bechichi)

16:00-16:15 - Coffee break

16:15-17:45 - Session 4: School desegregation

  • Nina Guyon (Paris School of Economics, ENS-PSL), “Desegregating Schools: Evidence from Middle School Closures in Deprived Neighborhoods”
  • Minseon Park (Yale School of Management), “A Dynamic Framework of School Choice: Effects of Middle Schools on High School choice” (joint with Dong Woo Hahm)

19:00-21:00 - Workshop dinner

Day 2: Friday, October 13

08:30-09:00 - Welcoming coffee

09:00-10:30 - Session 5: Geographical and financial constraints

  • Georgia Thebault (Sciences Po), “The Closer the Better? Geographical Constraint and Selective Programs in French Higher Education”
  • Cécile Bonneau (Paris School of Economics), “Pay to Play? How Application Fees Influence STEM Grad School Choices in France”

10:30-10:45 - Coffee break

10:45-12:15 - Session 6: Fairness in admission policies

  • Caterina Calsamiglia (ICREA-IPEG), “Gender Differences in High-Stakes Performance and College Admission Policies” (joint with Andreu Arenas)
  • Mikkel Høst Gandil (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit), “The Minority Penalty in Holistic College Admissions” (joint with Edwin Leuven).

12:15-13:30 - Lunch

13:30-15:00 - Session 7: Strategic responses

  • Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen (University of Copenhagen), “Playing the System: Address Manipulation and Access to Schools” (joint with Lykke Sterll Christensen, Mikkel Høst Gandil and Hans Henrik Sievertsen)
  • Carolina Concha-Arriagada (University of Chicago), “Should I Stay, or Should I Go? Strategic Responses to Improve College Admission Chances”

15:00-16:00 - Coffee break

16:00-18:00 - Table ronde (in French): “L’orientation scolaire à l’heure des algorithmes : comment mieux accompagner les jeunes dans leur parcours ?” (with Frédérique Alexandre-Bailly, Anthony Mann, Catherine Moisan and Magda Tomasini)

18:00-19:00 - Drinks

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The Education Policy and Social Mobility Chair aims to identify the causes of inequalities in access to education, and to identify the policies and actions best suited to correct them. This is a key issue for all citizens, which concerns not only public decision makers but also civil society and philanthropic groups that devote much“ effort to supporting young people and their families.