Economics serving society
Jérémie Gignoux

Jérémie Gignoux

PSE Professor

Senior research fellow INRAE

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

5th floor, office 62

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 17 25

Research groups: Development
  • Agricultural Economics and development
  • Evaluation of public policies in developing countries
  • Human capital and development
  • Labor and development
  • Education
  • Environmental Economics & Natural resources in developing countries


1st year APE Master course, Mathematics and Statistics for Economists

This course provides students with both an understanding and practice of the core techniques of Statistics and Mathematics for economists. The Statistics part covers the properties of random samples (both finite sample and asymptotic), point estimation and hypothesis testing. The Mathematical part covers static (including the resolution of the Lagrange and nonlinear programming problems), differential equations and dynamic optimization methods (control theory and dynamic programming).


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2nd year APE & PPD Masters, Development Economics research seminar, with Liam Wren-Lewis

Please see the course website for details

This course is for students interested in writing a Masters' dissertation in development economics. The first session will present the development faculty. The sessions are then devoted to discussions of recent papers on prominent topics and elaboration and discussion of students' dissertation projects.