Economics serving society
Bénédicte Apouey

Bénédicte Apouey

PSE Professor

Research Professor CNRS

Campus Jourdan – 48, Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

3rd floor, office 64

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 19 15

Personal website
Research groups: Economics of Human Behavior
  • Health
  • Public policy
  • Pensions
  • Political and social behavior

Refereed articles

  • Apouey B, Yin R, Etilé F, Piper A, Vögele C, 2024. Psychological well-being and the tendency to follow official recommendations against COVID-19: A U-shaped relationship? PLoS ONE, 19(6): e0305833. [Article (open access)

  • Apouey B, 2024. Que penser des services exploitant les données de santé ? L’avis
    des adhérents d’une mutuelle en France. Revue européenne des sciences sociales / European Journal of Social Sciences, numéro 62-1, pages 129-164. [Article sur le site de la revue] [Article sur le site]
  • Apouey B, Nissanov Z, Silber J, 2023. Ordinal variables and the measurement of upward and downward intergenerational mobility in European countries. Review of Income and Wealth, volume 69, issue 3, pages 776-800. [Article]

  • Apouey B, Fourniau J-M, Tournus S, 2022. Des citoyennes délibératives et des citoyens délibératifs : La Convention citoyenne pour le climat face à la délibération. Participations, volume 34, numéro 3, pages 37-79. [Télécharger l'article publié (version courte)] [Article publié (sur le site (version courte)] [Document de travail sur HAL (version longue)]

  • Ante-Testard P A, Hamidouche M, Apouey B, Baggaley R, Larmarange J, Benmarhnia T, Temime L, Jean K, 2022. Understanding the pathways leading to socioeconomic inequalities in HIV testing uptake in 18 sub-Saharan African countries: A mediation analysis. AIDS, volume 36, issue 12, pages 1707-1716. [Article (open access)] [Working paper on medRxiv]

  • Giraudet L-G, Apouey B, Arab H, Baeckelandt S, Begout P, Berghmans N, Blanc N, Boulin J-Y, Buge E, Courant D, Dahan A, Fabre A, Fourniau J-M, Gaborit M, Granchamp L, Guillemot H, Jeanpierre L, Landemore H, Laslier J-F, Macé A, Mellier-Wilson C, Mounier S, Pénigaud T, Povoas A, Rafidinarivo C, Reber B, Rozencwajg R, Stamenkovic P, Tilikete S, Tournus S, 2022. “Co-construction” in deliberative democracy: Lessons from the French Citizens’ Convention for Climate. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, volume 9, article number 207. [Article (open access)] [Working paper]
  • Apouey B, Stabile M, 2022. The effects of Uber diffusion on the mental health of drivers. Health Economics, volume 31, issue 7, pages 1468-1490. [Article (open access)] [SSRN working paper]
  • Apouey B, 2022. Conditions of existence and subjective perceptions of retirement: Quantitative evidence from France. Ageing & Society, volume 42, issue 3, pages 564-587. [Download the article here] [Article] [SSRN Working paper]
  • Apouey B, Roulet A, Solal I, Stabile M, 2020. Gig workers during the COVID-19 crisis in France: Financial precarity and mental well-being. Journal of Urban Health, volume 97, pages 776-795. [Download the paper here] [Article] [Working paper
  • Apouey B, Silber J, Xu Y, 2020. On inequality-sensitive and additive achievement measures based on ordinal data. Review of Income and Wealth, volume 66, issue 2, pages 267-286. [Article]
    • Cet article a remporté le Kendrick Prize de 2020 [Lien] / This article won the 2020 Kendrick Prize [Link]
  • Apouey B, 2020. Inégalités socioéconomiques et définitions subjectives du bien vieillir : Résultats d'une enquête quantitative. Retraite et société, 2, numéro 84, pages 13-40. [Télécharger l'article ici] [Article (accès payant)] [Document de travail]

  • Apouey BH, Guven C, Senik C, 2019. Retirement and unexpected health shocks. Economics & Human Biology, volume 33, pages 116-123. [Download the article here] [Article] [Working paper]
  • Rapp T, Apouey BH, Senik C, 2018. The impact of institution use on the wellbeing of Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers. Social Science & Medicine, volume 207, pages 1-10. [Article]
  • Apouey BH, 2018. Preparation for old age in France: The roles of preferences and expectations. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, volume 12, pages 15-23. [Article] [Working paper]
  • Apouey B, 2018. Les attentes en termes de services pour les seniors : Le rôle de l’altruisme et de l’anticipation de la dépendance. Revue française d'économie, volume XXXIII, pages 15-74. [Article] [Document de travail]
  • Picone G, Kibler R, Apouey BH, 2017. Malaria prevalence, indoor residual spraying, and insecticide-treated net usage in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Development, volume 19, pages 19-32. [Article]
  • Wilde J, Apouey BH, Jung T, 2017. The effect of ambient temperature shocks during conception and early pregnancy on later life outcomes. European Economic Review, volume 97, pages 87-107. [Article]
    • Cet article a remporté le IPUMS Research Award de 2017 [Lien] / This article was selected as the 2017 winner of the IPUMS Research Award [Link]
  • Apouey B, Picone G, Wilde J, Coleman J, Kibler R, 2017. Paludisme et anémie des enfants en Afrique subsaharienne : Effet de la distribution de moustiquaires. Revue économique, volume 68, pages 163-197. [Article en français] [Document de travail en français
    • English version of the article: Apouey B, Picone G, Wilde J, Coleman J, Kibler R, 2017. Malaria and anemia among children in sub-Saharan Africa: The effect of mosquito net distribution. Revue économique, volume 68. [Article in English]
  • Apouey BH, 2016. Child physical development in the UK: The imprint of time and socioeconomic status. Public Health, volume 141, pages 255-263. [Article] [Working paper]
  • Apouey BH, Geoffard P-Y, 2016. Parents' education and child body weight in France: The trajectory of the gradient in the early years. Economics & Human Biology, volume 20, pages 70-89. [Article (gated)] [Working paper]
  • Apouey B, Clark AE, 2015. Winning big but feeling no better? The effect of lottery prizes on physical and mental health. Health Economics, volume 24, issue 5, pages 516-538. [Article (gated)] [Most recent working paper]
    • J'ai remporté le prix FEEM (pour les économistes de moins de 30 ans) au congrès de l'European Economic Association de 2009 [Lien] / I won the FEEM prize (for economists under 30) at the 2009 congress of the European Economic Association thanks to this article [Link]
  • Apouey BH, 2015. Les disparités sociales de santé perçue au cours de la vie : Le cas de la France (2004-2012). Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire, numéro 24-25, pages 456-465. [Article] [Document de travail]  
  • Apouey BH, Geoffard P-Y, 2015. Le gradient et la transmission intergénérationnelle de la santé pendant l'enfance. Économie et statistique, volume 475-476, pages 113-133. [Article] [Document de travail]
  • Apouey B, Picone G, 2014. Social interactions and malaria preventive behaviors in sub-Saharan Africa. Health Economics, volume 23, issue 9, pages 994-1012. [Article (open access)] [SSRN working paper]  
  • Apouey BH, Geoffard P-Y, 2014. Child health and access to health care in France: Evidence on the role of family income. Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique / Epidemiology and Public Health, volume 62, issue 3, pages 179-190. [Article] [Working paper]
  • Huang H, Apouey B, Andrews J, 2014. Racial and ethnic disparities in awareness of genetic testing among online users: Internet use, health knowledge and sociodemographic correlates. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, volume 18, issue 1, pages 15-30. [Article (gated)] [Preprint]
  • Apouey B, Geoffard P-Y, 2013. Family income and child health in the UK. Journal of Health Economics, volume 22, issue 4, pages 715-727. [Article (gated)] [Working paper]
  • Apouey BH, 2010. On measuring and explaining socioeconomic polarization in health with an application to French data. Review of Income and Wealth, series 56, number 1, pages 141-170. [Article (gated)]
  • Apouey B, 2007. Measuring health polarization with self-assessed health data. Health Economics, volume 16, issue 9, pages 875-894. [Article (gated)]