Economics serving society

2 May: Branko Milanović « Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization »

On May 2nd, 2016, Paris School of Economics was glad to organize a conference with Branko Milanović which was entitled : "Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization ".
This conference was realised in partnership with the Fondation de la Maison de la Tunisie - CIUP, within the framework of the Labex OSE.

(1/2) Branko Milanović - 02/05/2016 "Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization" by Paris School of Economics

(2/2) Branko Milanović - 02/05/2016 "Global Inequality : A New Approach For The Age of Globalization" by Paris School of Economics


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