Economics serving society

Editorial | The energy transition: which transition for which objectives? | Mouez Fodha

The energy transition seeks to respond to an environmental constraint, which stems from the depletion of our carbon budget, responsible for climate change. This transition is complex, costly, but necessary. Climate scientists agree that the future benefits of the transition far exceed its short-term costs; in other words, the cost of taking action is significant, but the cost of climate inaction is likely to be insurmountable.

In this editorial, Mouez Fodha justifies the need for the energy transition, despite its considerable complexity and cost. He explains in particular that the damage caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide leads to significant macroeconomic losses and that the energy transition is therefore urgent.

Read the full contribution: “The energy transition: which transition for which objectives?” by Mouez Fodha.

Mouez Fodha is professor at Paris School of Economics and at the university Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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*This editorial is part of the "Economics for everybody" formula.