Economics serving society

International Migration Economics Chair

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The Edmond de Rothschild Group and Paris School of Economics create the "International Migration Economics" Chair to develop research activities aimed at improving knowledge of international migration.
The chair will conduct rigorous work based on historical and contemporary data to better understand the motivations and implications of international migration for the global economy as well as for receiving and sending countries.

- Press release - Launch of the Research Chair International Migration Economics (PDF - 253Ko)



  • The organization of events, conferences and thematic workshops aimed at presenting and discussing work at the frontier of international research.
  • The invitation of researchers to enrich research and initiate new collaborations, the chair regularly invites researchers from French and foreign universities for research stays of varying lengths to participate in teaching and/or research activities.
  • The regular publication of policy briefs which promote the research work carried out within the chair to a wider public.
  • Media and Communication: the research fellows of the chair regularly communicate their research to a wide audience in order to contribute to public debate and policy-making.
  • Scientific publications (link to the page - 6 Scientific Publications): the research fellow of the chair conduct research that is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals of international academic standard.
  • The development of high level teaching.
  • The funding of doctoral fellowship and of post-doctoral fellows.


The objective of this chair is to create a place open to society in order to disseminate, share and discuss the findings of scientific studies on a major societal issue.
The objectives of the "International Migration Economics" chair will be to:

  • analyze the determinants (economic, political, demographic, humanitarian, climatic) of international migration,
  • understand the economic potential of migration in terms of growth and integration into the global economy
  • understand the consequences of globalization and the emergence of regional powers on migration flows
  • analyze the place of immigration and diversity in society
  • evaluate public policies for the economic and social integration of immigrants, refugees and their descendants
  • promote initiatives for international governance of migration (common asylum policy in Europe, global approach to the management of climatic migration).

Chair holder

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Hillel Rapoport, Director of international relations at PSE, professor at PSE and at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Scientific Advisor at CEPII.

Fellow Researchers

For the year 2022-2023, the International Migration Economics Chair has 23 associate researchers and 8 PhD students.

Researchers from PSE

Philippe Aghion, Professor, Collège de France and INSEAD. Visiting professor, London School of Economics. Economics of growth.

Marc Fleurbaey, Director of research, CNRS. Welfare economics, social choice theory, well-being, public economics, climate policy.

Camille Hémet, Professor, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Urban diversity analysis, residential segregation.

Benjamin Michallet, Postdoc researcher, Paris School of Economics.

Katrin Millock, Director of research, CNRS. Environmental economics, climate migration.

Ariell Reshef, Director of research, CNRS. Economics of international trade and globalization. Migration and trade.

Hillel Rapoport, Chaired professor, Paris School of Economics. Professor, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Claudia Senik, PSE Chaired Professor, Paris School of Economics.

Biagio Speciale, Maître de conférence, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Public economics and political economy of immigration.

Liam Wren-Lewis, Research fellow, INRAE. Theories of contact and social interactions, evaluation of public policies.

Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Director of research, EHESS. Political economy of media and populism.

Researchers from other institutions

Dani Bahar, Professor, Brown University.

Michel Beine, Professor, University of Luxembourg.

Simone Bertoli, Professor, Université Clermont Auvergne. Director, CERDI.

Johann Daniel Harnoss, Henderson Institute Fellow.

Klaus Desmet, Professor, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

Frédéric Docquier, Research program leader (Crossing Borders), Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).

Anthony Edo, Economist, CEPII.

Mathilde Emeriau, Assistant Professor, Sciences Po Paris.

Yajna Govind, Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School (CBS).

Clément Imbert, Professor, Sciences Po Paris.

Gianluca Orefice, Professor, Université Paris-Dauphine.

Cem Özgüzel, Economist, OECD.

Giovanni Peri, Professor, University of California, Davis.

Ilse Ruyssen, Associate Research Professor, Ghent University.

Gianluca Santoni, Economist, CEPII.

Sulin Sardoschau, Assistant professor, Humbolt University.

Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski, Assistant Professor, Exeter University.

Sara Signorelli, Assistant Professor, Amsterdam School of Economics.

Arthur Silve, Economist, Laval University.

Riccardo Turati, Assistant Professor, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Jérôme Valette, Economist, CEPII. Associate professor, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Romain Wacziarg, Professor, UCLA.

Postdoctoral fellow
Matteo Neri-Lainé

Doctoral fellows from PSE

Andrea Cornejo, The integration of international migrants and human capital formation. Supervisors: Hillel Rapoport and Liam Wren-Lewis.

Lucile Dehouck, Climate induced forced migration. Supervisor: Katrin Millock.

Bertille Evreux, Immigration, attitudes and intergroup contact theory. Supervisors: Camille Hémet and Hillel Rapoport.

Vitaliia Eliseeva, The (legacy of the) Soviet Union and modern-day economic and political attitudes in Russia. Supervisor: Hillel Rapoport.

Donia Kamel, Migration and political economy: An alternative investigation using Big Data. Supervisor: Hillel Rapoport.

Artur Obminski, Ethnic salience, attitudes, and violence: Contemporary and historic evidence from Poland. Supervisors: Hillel Rapoport and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya.

Javier Soria-Espin, Essays on intergenerational mobility. Supervisors: Hillel Rapoport and Thomas Piketty.

Guglielmo Zappala, Perceptions, attitudes and adaptation to climate change. Supervisor: Katrin Millock.

Partner of PSE

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Edmond de Rothschild Group is a banking group specialized in private banking and asset management based in Geneva, Switzerland. It also develops philanthropic activities, notably in the form of sponsorship and/or support for research initiatives. Edmond de Rothschild (France) is the credit institution that plays a pivotal role in the development of the Group’s business in the French market.