Economics serving society
Éric Maurin

Éric Maurin

PSE Chaired Professor

Professor EHESS

Campus Jourdan – 48 Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris

3rd floor, office 07

Phone +33(0)1 80 52 18 57

Research groups: Labour and Public Economics
  • Education
  • Public policy
  • Social protection
  • Work organization and employment relations



New research papers

The Making of Civic Virtues: a School Based Experiment in Three Countries, conditionally accepted at American Economic Journal : Economic Policy, 2024 (with  S. Briole, M.Gurgand, S. McNally, J. Ruiz-Valenzuela, D. Santin).

"Sick of Working from Home?", R&R The Economic Journal, 2024 (with D. Goux).

The Value of a High School GPA, forthcoming The Review of Economics and Statistics (with F. Landaud, B. Willage and A. Willen). 

The Value of Leisure SynchronizationAmerican Economic Journal : Applied Economics , 16(1), 351-76, January 2024 (with D. Goux, S. Georges Kot).

There’s always room for improvement: the persistent benefits of a large-scale teacher evaluation systemJournal of Human Resources, 59 (4) 1150-1179, July 2024 (with S. Briole).


Selected publications by topics :


   Labor Supply, Coordination, Time Use.

 Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarity Beyond the Household, Journal of Labor Economics, 35 (4), 1061-1088,  2017 (with S. Georges-Kot and D. Goux).

Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labor Supply, American Economic Review, vol. 104(1), 252-76, 2014 (with D. Goux and B. Petrongolo).

Public School Availability for Two-year Olds and Mothers' Labour Supply, Labour economics, vol. 17, 951-962, 2010  (with Dominique Goux).

 The Social Multiplier and Labor Market Participation of Mothers, American Economic Journal: Applied, 2009 (with J. Moschion).



 Behind the Veil: the Effect of Banning the Islamic Veil in Schools, Economic Policy, special issue on stereotypes, attitudes and discrimination, January, 2023 (with N. Navarrete).

A pleasure that hurts: the ambiguous effects of elite tutoring on underprivileged high school students, Journal of Labor Economics, 38 (2) 2020 (with Son-Thierry Ly and Arnaud Riegert).

 Competitive Schools and the Gender Gap in Field of Study, Journal of Human Resources, 55 (1) 2020 (with Fanny Landaud and Son-Thierry Ly).

  Adjusting Your Dreams? Highschool Plans and Dropout Behaviour, Economic Journal, 127 (602), pp. 1025-1046, 2017 (with D. Goux and M. Gurgand).

  Reading enjoyment and reading skills: Lessons from an experiment with first-grade children, Special Issue on Randomized Experiments, Labour Economics, 45 (C), 17-25, 2017 (with D. Goux and Marc Gurgand).

  Getting Parents Involved: a Field Experiment in Deprived Schools", Review of Economic Studies, vol. 81 (1), 57–83, 2014 (with F. Avvisati,  M. Gurgand and N. Guyon).

The Effect of Tracking Students by Ability into Different Schools: A Natural Experiment, Journal of Human Resources, 47 (3), 684-721, summer 2012 (with N. Guyon and S. McNally, FEEM prize EEA congress).

Every child matters? an evaluation of special education needs programs in England, Economic of Education Review, 31 (6), 932-948, 2012 (with François Keslair and Sandra McNally).

 Vive la révolution! The long run effect of 1968 on angry students, Journal of Labor Economics, 2008 (with S. McNally).

Close neighbours matter: neighbourhood effects on early performance at school, Economic Journal, 2007 (with D. Goux).

  Demand for Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Lessons from the Abolition of Compulsory Conscription in France, Journal of Human Resources, 2007 (with T. Xenogiani).

The effect of overcrowded housing on performance at school, Journal of Public Economics, 2005 (with D. Goux).

The Impact of Parental Income on early Schooling Transitions: A Reexamination Using Data over Three Generations, Journal of Public Economics, 2002.


    Labor Demand, Wage Structure, Technological Change

Forty Years of Change in Labour Supply and Demand by Skill Level – Technical Progress, Labour Costs and Social Change. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, special 50th anniversary issue, 510-511-512, 131–147, 2019 (avec D. Goux).

Changes in Job Security and their Causes: An Empirical Analysis fo France, European Economic Review, 2004 (with Pauline Givord).

Changes in Functional Structure of Firmes and the Demand for Skill, Journal of Labor Economics, 2004, (with D. Thesmar).

Fixed Term Contracts and the Dynamics of Labour Demand, European Economic Review 2001 (with D. Goux and M. Pauchet).

 The Decline in Demand for Unskilled Labour: An Empirical Analysis Method and its Application to France, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2000 (with D. Goux).

The Persistence of Inter-Industry Wages Differentials: A Reexamination Using Matched Worker-firm Panel Data, Journal of Labor Economics, 1999 (with D. Goux)


   Econometric Methods, Measurement Issues

  Set Identified Linear Models, Econometrica, 80 (2), May 2012 (with C. Bontemps and T. Magnac).

  Partial identification in binary choice models: discrete regressors and interval data, Review of Economic Studies, 2008, (with T. Magnac).

  Identification and Information in Monotone Binary Models, Journal of Econometrics, 2007, (with T. Magnac).

  Unequal Incertainties and Uncertain Inequalities: an Axiomatic Approach, Journal of Economic Theory , 2004 (with T. Gajdos).


  Social Stratification

 Work and Pay in Flexible and Regulated Labor Market:A Generalized Perspective on Insitutional Evolution in Inequality Trends in Europe and the US, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 24 (3), 311-332, 2006 (avec T. DiPrete, D. Goux and A. Quesnel-Vallee).

The European Job Security Gap, Work and Occupations, Invited Paper, Special Issue on European Labor Markets, 32:229-252, 2005 (avec F. Postel Vinay).

Internal Labor Markets and Earnings Trajectories in the Post-Fordist Economy : An Analysis of Recent Trends, Social Science Research, 2002, vol. 31, no 2, p.175-196 (avec T. DiPrete and D. Goux).

Institutional Determinants of Employment Chances: The Structure of Unemployment in France and Sweden, European Sociological Review, 2001, vol:17 (3) (avec D. Goux,T. DiPrete and M. Tahlin).

L'évaluation sociale des professions en France, Revue Française de Sociologie, 1998, vol. 39, no 1, p. 177-227 (avec C. Chambaz).

Meritocracy and Social Heredity in France: Some Aspects and Trends, European Sociological Review, 159-178, September 1997 (avec D. Goux).

Origine sociale et destinée scolaire, Revue Française de Sociologie, XXXVI-1, 81-123, 1995 (avec D. Goux).



David Card, prix Nobel 2021: la révolution design based, Revue d'Economie Politique, Janvier 2023 (with Dominique Goux).